Edward Brudney
Assistant Professor of History at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Edward Brudney is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. Dr. Brudney comes to UTC from Indiana University, where he completed his Ph.D. in History with a focus on modern Latin American legal and labor history. His current research project, titled Changing the Rules of the Game: Labor, Law, and Citizenship in Authoritarian Argentina, 1976-1983, analyzes attempts by Argentina's most recent military dictatorship to transform the meaning of citizenship by changing the country's labor laws. Dr. Brudney's recent work has appeared in the Journal of Religion & Society, the Journal of Global South Studies, and Labor: Studies in Working-Class History in the Americas. He's currently working on two additional projects: an interdisciplinary multi-authored book project about commemorations and justice work in Argentina, and a sociocultural history of an industrial town in Greater Buenos Aires that traces economic instability in people's daily lives. At UTC, he will regularly teach both Colonial and Modern Latin American History, as well as specialized courses in postcolonialism, authoritarianism, and populism. Dr. Brudney’s research interests, beyond labor and legal history, include the history of the State, nationalism/national identities, cultural history, and oral history.