Our faculty’s diverse and complementary interests have allowed us to offer a variety of graduate courses in Latin American History. During recent years, these have included:
- Modern Mexico
- Cuba and Puerto Rico
- The Afro-Cuban Experience
- The Black Experience in Latin America
- US Imperialism and the Spanish Caribbean
- Latin America and Latinos Beyond the Textbook
- Modern Brazil and Argentina
- Modern Central America
Advanced colloquia and seminars have also been offered in:
- Colonial Latin America
- Modern Latin America
- Caribbean History
- African Diaspora
- Resistance and Rebellion in Latin America
- Social Movements in Latin America
- Race and Racism in Latin America
- Ethnic Dimensions of Modern Latin America
- Oral History
- Popular Culture
- Collective Memory and Narrative
- Gender in Latin America
- Comparative Populism in Latin America
- Latin American Labor History